


Client           :          Justin Govan

Category      :          UI/UX

Tags               :         Branding, Portfolio

Start Date     :          09.01.2020

End Date       :          18.09.2020

Website :                  radiusimpact

This project aimed to create a website for a Canadian IT service company to get a better understanding of the skills required to design and develop a website. Submitting a proposal required many steps An example of a successful project is market research, which identifies target audiences.

The objective was to build a website for a Canadian client who provides IT services. This was carried out in an effort to have a better grasp of the abilities required for website design and development. To submit a successful project, various steps were followed, including market research and audience identification.

A company’s website is an essential component of a wider marketing strategy. Therefore, it is crucial to comprehend the function it must do.
A business website often serves as the foundation of an internet marketing strategy and gives your company a presence. It’s the equivalent of having a prestigious office or high-end store in the real world. It frequently serves as the center of a company’s universe and is the area where other marketing efforts aim to draw customers.

Technology: Laravel 6, Jquery, Bootstrap, HTML, CSS

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